Holistic Healing & Emotional Wellbeing
Healing wounded inner parts
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Energy Healing Approach
We are energetic beings here on Earth to heal & transmute negative energy within ourselves from unresolved trauma, wounds and emotions we haven’t wanted to face, release or forgive as they were too painful.
Do you suffer from:
Feeling stuck or blocked
Feeling off balance - lack of connection to self/intuition
Feeling numb with low self esteem, unexplainable fatigue
Anxiety and depression
Angry and don’t know why
Psychic attack - toxic relationship patterns
Feeling trapped by life and no way out
Lack/scarcity and victim consciousness
Life is an emotional roller coaster
Finding the root cause, whether a wounded inner child, a past life issue or karmic patterns in your ancestry, that remains unresolved. Or is it the result of energy picked up from others around you. There is energy all around us and we are pure energy beings in human form. Most humans are unknowingly affected in a multitude of ways such as through cords of energy attached to others that pull us in a tug of war through our energy power centers such as our Chakras. Learn how to severe these cords, reclaim your energy and live a life of balance, heal your heart and step into your true mighty Soul power - your Divine birthright.
To find out more about more about how I work - here

Hypnotherapy for the Soul
NLP (Neurolinguistic programing)
Energy Medicine
Flower Essences
Emotional balance
Past Life Regression
QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis)
BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing)