Past Life Regression
Past life trauma / unfinished business
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Methods - QHHT/BQH
Ancestral Healing
Past Life Regression Therapy
Explore your Past Lives. What unresolved business from past lives is still affecting you now?
Using Quantum Healing methods, such as QHHT(Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) Level 2 practitioner or BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) I help you to explore past lives. Nothing shown to you is an accident, but messages from your Higher Self that are related your current life. Perhaps you have been repeating cycles for many life times, making the same mistakes and now wish to break free of cycles and patterns that no longer serve you.
You are an eternal being of light who just changes bodies from life time to life time. There is no death! Your fear of death is often released and resolved after a past life regression as you realize you have lived before and will live again. You have been everything really, the murderer the caretaker, the healer the gardener the bus driver and much more. Once you realize this you begin to have more self awareness of who you really are and begin to understand there is no separation and that everything is connected.
Profound healing is possible in a past life regression as well as discovery of other journeys and adventures that have led you to this current life and the current challenges you face today!
Many people struggle with current life issues. Now you can gain clarity on these issues and the deeper meaning behind them and the lessons planned by the soul/Higher Self as we connect to your Higher Self and pose these questions directly for answers and clarification.
Session Requirements
Online sessions are just like in person sessions, the energy is the same, the results are the same.
Most people are more physically comfortable in their own environment. This also saves travel and you can be anywhere in the world.
Things you will need:
Laptop/iPad or device with plenty of battery capable of lasting 5 hours (e.g. leave plugged into power)
Web camera for Zoom session. Camera needs to be set up at all times so you can be physically seen during the session.
Good Internet connection.
Headphones with a microphone or earbuds with a microphone so you can clearly hear the session and Natalie can hear you.
Must be alone in the room, preferably the house or place where you’re having the session as the noise from others can be distracting.
Cannot be on high dose medications such as Anti-psychotics or Anti-depressants as these interfere with achieving hypnosis states. Mild anti-depressants are generally ok.
A Zoom link will be sent, Natalie will wait 10mins only on Zoom, if you do not show up there are no refunds.
If you would not like your identity to be shared, you agree that Natalie may still share cosmic/universally relevant information that may benefit humanity, so long as your identity is not mentioned on her You Tube Channel - Healing my Spirit with Natalie.
I understand that there will be energies that will speak through my session, from my Higher Self or other divine energies such as, guides, angels, ancestors, pets...
I understand that at times I might want to awaken because of imbalances in my body and/or energies. Natalie will be allowed to do her best to maintain me in my hypnosis state so that I may receive Quantum Healing for my highest good.
I agree and understand that this item is non-refundable once purchased.
I have read the Client Responsibilities and release and I agree to the terms and conditions as outlined in the document.
Disclaimer: no responsibility will be taken if clients are unable to enter trance state. All hypnosis is self hypnosis, this requires you the client to be willing to enter trance like states, which are natural states we go in and out of daily such as watching TV and whilst driving.
Meditation, breath work or mindfulness practices can help to prepare for deep regression hypnosis, anything that helps to quiet our busy minds as mind chatter (Ego/conscious mind) can be the biggest block for most people to experience past lives.
Sessions cannot be performed if you are on high dose anti-psychotic or high dose anti-depressants as these both interfere with entering into trance states of consciousness.
We all face twists and turns in life and for some these are directly connected to unfinished business in another life.
Some people choose to pick up where they left off with the same souls from a previous life, wanting to complete the lessons that were left unfinished from the past. However, such cycles can repeat for many lifetimes and it can be well past time to heal and move on for all souls concerned.
This can explain difficult co-workers, dysfunctional family life, addictions, weight issues and a whole host of other life challenges that we go through.
Between 50-80% of all issues often aren’t yours, but that of the ancestral lineage that you choose to incarnate into, with karmic patterns you have agreed to take on for your soul’s growth and learning.
Yes, it’s not always easy to hear you did choose your family. But often these are souls who love you the most and agreed to play certain roles in your life for lessons you as a soul were wanting to master and learn from for your souls expansion. The book by Andrew Schwartz – Your Soul’s Plan, highlights this very well.
Unfinished Business
Relationships difficult to break free from, families, friendships, marriages.
Patterns of challenging romances with abusive partners.
Fears or phobias of people or places that don’t make sense in this life.
Unresolved childhood trauma or past life trauma
Ancestral trauma
Addictions such as alcoholism that exist within families through multiple generations.
Abuse and sexual trauma through multiple generations
Depression or anxiety within multiple generations
Financial lack or scarcity within multiple generations.
Negative contracts within the lineage made by deal or trade by an individual without knowing or understanding it would affect the entire lineage
Curses, bindings, vows, oaths – this can include a Freemasonry contract, religious bindings and vows
Ancestral issues can be like an energy that exists within the lineage and usually started with one ancestor many life time’s ago but is still being carried in the lineage waiting to be healed. Many advanced souls are incarnating in the last 50 years from a higher dimension with a goal to break up these karmic patterns and heal the trauma in the lineage and help raise the consciousness of the planet while doing so.
When you heal your own trauma and wounds you help the heal the collective of humanity. This is a strong soul purpose for many who incarnate at this time. Such advanced souls are usually the black sheep of the family who have different ideas and do not follow the pitfalls of others in the family. They usually stand out and may break from the family later in life and heal from such challenges, as a role model and example to others. At times these souls need a little help along the way to clear the wounds from the lineage This is where past life regression therapy comes in.
The Higher Self
I work at the level of the soul, calling in the High Self to address the issues that need healing. In this way the High Self guides and directs this healing work. Your Higher Self holds all the records of all past and future life times and has the knowledge needed to heal this trauma and energy for the your so that you can reach your highest potential in this life time. When you heal you change the course of future time lines and that of all in the lineage. This is deep, powerful work and part of the collective awakening of humanity as we shift into a higher dimensional plane through Ascension.
4 -5 Hour Session either in person at The Gap, Brisbane or online sessions available.
Session $555*
*$100 deposit is required to secure your appointment. This is non refundable should you decide to cancel the appointment. It can be rescheduled if required.
To book click the link in book now or text 0439769808