Your Inner Guidance

Your own guidance/intuition comes from your own Soul, and this is the most important connection you will ever have, yet many do not make the time or effort to connect let alone acknowledge this part of themselves.

We all have usually had the experience of having inner nudging’s or feelings about a choice not going so well about a decision or choice we had to make, that we basically ignored and the choice ended up not turning out so well and then we realized, opps! I knew that was going to happen! I felt it!

Well yes that indeed is an example we have all experienced at some point in our life of ignoring our inner guidance we were given at the time.

This connection isn’t really ever lost. It’s just like a muscle we haven’t used in a while and needs building up again.

Below are some tips on how to connect to your own inner knowing.

What is intuition or innate awareness?

Intuition is that gut feeling about a situation, event or person that we have usually when we need to make a decision or when we are in a situation that requires immediate action. Like that time you walked into a shop or cafe that just felt creepy and you shouldn’t be there. A bit like tuning into the vibes or energy of a place or person. Sometimes we ignore these messages and get into trouble for not listening to them. When deep inside we often had some message and really knew better about the situation, event or person.

In our daily busy lives we can often get caught up in the moment and can disregard this knowingness.

What is my inner guidance telling me?

Listening to and acting upon this inner knowing is what helps us connect to our own inner guidance. Sometimes this connection is stronger than at other times. However we can ask this part of ourselves directly without waiting for the feeling or sensation to be directed toward us. This is what this guide is all about.

Your innate awareness is the internal guidance system that we all have. This is the Soul part of ourselves that has knowing of our entire life plan, all past experiences including past lives and future and knows the right course of action for us at all times for our highest potential and soul evolution. This is why we are on Earth to start with, to evolve as Souls.

Setting up connection to your innate awareness/intuition

  1. In a quite place where you won’t be disturbed, such as out in nature. Find a comfortable spot. Either sit down or stand up. eyes closed.

  2. Declare verbally aloud that you wish to connect to your inner knowing or your Soul. Ask for a demonstration that you have been heard such as a physical sensation in your body, so you know you have been heard.

  3. Next ask for a sensation in your body to represent a YES answer. Once you have been given a sensation, thank this part and acknowledge it. Next ask for sensation that represents a NO answer, again thank this part.

Ask for increased intensity of the sensation if you didn’t notice it or it wasn’t strong enough the first time.

This may take a little time. Tell your Soul you are establishing trust and you would like more engagement here. Once you have established connection. Ask some easy questions you know the answer to about yourself.

Try this on a regular basis.

Make an effort to connect to your intuition.

You can also set up a sacred space to ensure an accurate connection.

Declare before you start that this information is for your highest good and with clear desire to connect to self.

Once you have established a confident connection. Ask a question that you need to make a decision on and ask for a YES or NO sensation in response. Also notice any emotions or feelings that come up with these sensations.

As an alternative, you can also ask you intuition to show you if you made a certain choice, how would that feel in your body? Ask for a demonstration. Again notice any feelings or emotions that you experience. You may also be shown visions or pictures about the choice. You could then ask for a demonstration in your body if you made the other choice that was also an option, and how would that feel in your body.

Come up with a list of topics to seek guidance about

  1. To build connection, stick to just one topic a day to enquire about. Increase your sacred bubble by envisioning a bubble of white protective light around you as you do this.

  2. Try to limit the number of questions to about 3-5 per topic. As you progress with this your connection grows and you can tune into the issue without the need to ask.

  3. Comes from a stance of openness about the answers as the Ego/personality mind can begin to analyze and go off in tangents about how and why the choice might come about. This is about learning to trust without judgement.

Some people already have a strong connection to their inner knowing. This is great!

Others have somehow lost this connection and need to build this muscle up again as we haven’t used it in a while. Don’t judge where you are in this. We are all on our own path that is unique and individual.

Other forms of connection

Other forms of connection can include automatic writing or muscle monitoring on yourself, such as that used in Kinesiology. Automatic writing is a form of channeling that when used appropriately can also provide inner guidance.

As with anything. Always use inner discernment. Really check in, is this a true and accurate answer?

If it feels off in any way pay attention to that feeling and be curious about it. Ask your guides and angels for clear connection within your sacred space and a protective energy bubble of light.

With regular practice you can build a stronger connection to your inner self. This part is the silent witness you your life but has the wisdom of the Soul and knows the right path for you.

As trust is built over time, you can learn to tune inwardly and ask questions within your mind. Soul answers are always loving and supportive. IF any voices are criticizing, or full of doubt, these are not yours and not from your soul. Ask you Angels to remove such energies and return them to their perfect place. Start the process again from a place of love.

Discernment is key.

Your Soul loves you and wants the best for you. Learning to trust and connect can greatly assist in life navigation.