
What is Hypnotherapy for the Soul?

Hypnotherapy for the Soul is about connecting to our Higher Self to understand life’s challenges that leave us battered and bruised.

This inner work is about looking at the wounded parts of us we deny and do not wish to acknowledge as they are often shameful, embarrassing and very painful to even think about. We have buried these in our emotional baggage or so called Shadow self (Inner Child).

As adults we often dismiss the past and solider on despite traumatic events, but part of us has not moved on and is very much stuck in the past when that event happened, preventing us from truly moving forward in life and affecting our current life happiness.

At the moment of trauma a part of us can break away from the rest of us, this part is called the wounded inner child. A person can have one or many such parts and may or may not stem from childhood.

As we grow up we may forget about such events over time and get on with life.

However these wounded parts remain, dissociated and isolated from the whole person or self.

Bringing healing to such parts fills our heart once again to the innocence and playfulness we once lost. This is done with alignment of these parts with the conscious self.

  • Inner Child work - wounded inner parts that drive unwanted habits and behaviours - dissociated parts of our consciousness.

  • Lost memories - suppressed emotional blocks due to forgotten or blocked memories

  • Inner shadows can be attachments and entities amplifying our our emotional wounds or parts of self we deny and disown.

  • Anxiety/depression - occurs when there is disconnection to our soul self.

  • Repressed emotions - Shame, blame, guilt, grief, anger, sadness, loneliness. The cause of many chronic health conditions.

  • Chronic Stress - living in an imbalanced way that ends up living in a state of survival that has an emotional and physical tole on the body and the body starts to break down and illness occurs as a result.

  • Ancestral Healing can be a big part of this work as connections to our ancestors can explain the repeated pattern of trauma within our lineage and in our own life.

*Please note:

Natalie does not work with serious addictions such as Drugs and Alcohol. Such issues require specialist help and is beyond the scope of this practice.

How long does it take?

Modalities used

  • Quantum Healing Hypnosis methods

  • NLP (Neurolinguistic programming)

  • Hypnotherapy

  • Sound Healing

  • Ancestral Healing

  • Energy clearing

  • Spirit Releasement Therapy

Hypnotherapy typically needs a minimum of 3 sessions, although more may be needed. This is deep work within the subconscious. Most problems did not happen from overnight, therefore healing is unlikely from just one session.

I use a unique combination of Spirituality, mindfulness, psychology, hypnotherapy/NLP (neuro linguistic programming)..

After an interview and assessment I give recommendations based on what I feel is best as a starting point. One or more modalities may be recommended over a course of sessions.

For best results between 3 - 6 sessions are recommended

Hypnotherapy Session initial: 2 hours $245

Fragmented self