
Clearing energetic blocks and imbalances in body systems.

Includes the use of NLP (neuro linguistic programming).

Kinesiology Muscle Monitoring


Kinesiology is Energy Medicine

Kinesiology is non-invasive therapy which uses gentle, muscle testing (also known as muscle monitoring) to assess the body's energy flow (Chi) and identify any disruptions or imbalances.

These may be emotional blocks causing imbalances and issues in our life that can present as physical pain, depression, anxiety or stress and many other aliments. Kinesiology is a complementary modality that can be used along side traditional medicine.

Receiving Kinesiology treatment is called a Body Balance. By detecting imbalances which can then be corrected, Kinesiology can be helpful in improving general health and wellbeing by:

  • releasing the sources of emotional stress

  • improved wellbeing/mental health

  • increased intuition

  • reducing pain and joint problems

  • improving brain function

Modern life can be very taxing on the human body. Kinesiology helps to restore balance and harmony within the mind and body to support your overall well being.

Becoming Multi-dimensional

We are all connected at a deeper level of consciousness to higher planes of awareness.

Kinesiology helps support the evolving self as humans expand and grow in consciousness to become more aware of themselves as a Soul and multi-dimensional being.

This means becoming aware of our true nature and our free will to create our reality whether painful or happy. Learning to take responsibility for our life means acknowledging the thoughts and beliefs we have put out into the Universe.

Kinesiology supports the expansion of self to understand ones true power and strength to heal and change your life.

Natalie’s Approach

Natalie uses a unique approach bringing aspects of modern psychology including the use of NLP (neurolinguistic programming) into her sessions.

NLP is used by Hypnotherapists and Life Coaches to rewrite your story and reprogram the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind does not know the difference between something real or imagined. It takes everything literally.

This is why sessions may be slightly longer than other Kinesiology practitioners a some process work is included to clear and release trapped emotional blocks from past trauma.

By tapping into your creative imagination, we are utilizing your own creative power to heal parts of self and understand the true power that lies within you.

As a hypnotherapist Natalie is experienced in other forms of energy work to achieve inner healing, such as Inner Child and shadow work.

This is a unique approach where you are not only receiving but participating and learning to heal yourself as well.

Session Types:

1. Kinesiology 2 hour session $250 Initial consult

First time seeing Natalie, includes short interview

Kinesiology balance in person

2. Subsequent Kinesiology 2 hours $200

Follow up session performed in person

Remote sessions - coming soon!

To book use the connect page or text 0439769808

Human Chakras