Case studies
Client sessions
Case Study - Soul Clearing with COVID Vaccine
Case study JD Soul Clearing
(First session 2020 –1 demon was cleared) Second session 2022 – my skills had evolved and expanded during this time and now this session was more advanced.
Client reported feeling stuck in life, procrastination, foggy thinking, fatigue, lack of exercise and uncertainty about their future. JD wanted a career change and to launch his own business. He had previously had a business but had stepped back as income dropped and was now in a salary job, not sure how to go about this and stuck in a job he really didn’t like.
JD came to realize that now was the time in life to work on themselves by doing inner work, such as Shadow work to clear any past trauma that could be a potential source of blocking to moving into a new business and career for themselves. (I had previously removed a demon from this same client 2 years earlier with profound change in his life after then, however he wanted to dive deeper this time and knew my training and skills had expanded since that first session.)
Trance work was commenced. In this unusual case, no past lives were seen, instead the Higher Self came forward straight away. I encounter this phenomenon on occasion as I know the Higher Self knows what I know and after having done many sessions over the last few years the connection between myself and another’s Higher Self is strong. I fully trust that each client will get exactly what they need and I trust, honour and respect the Higher Self of each client as a source of universal Knowledge and wisdom.
For this client the Higher Self, reported that they weren’t particularly interested in seeing past lives. So, it was time to turn to the body. As the Higher Self wanted a clearing more than anything.
The Body Scan:
The Higher self, identified dense energy present in the testicles that needed clearing. It was not an entity and just needed to be cleared. It represented lack of courage and not putting himself forward in life due to fear. The client had been a warrior in many lifetimes and had experienced many losses and conflict. He was not ready to heal all of these but the combined energy from these experiences was able to be cleared.
Archangels Gabriel, Michael and Rafael were called into to assist with the body scan.
Items cleared:
His arm and legs were shackled in iron chains (energetically). The 3rd eye was blocked from technology. (this is common, most people’s 3rd eye has been affected by technology not of this world to block human abilities such as clairvoyance etc).
His heart and throat chakra needed a lot of work to repair blockages. This was flooded with love light by the angels. 2 large hooks were removed form his stomach area that had been there for many years. (they look like fishing hooks).
There was A.I present in his body that needed to be cleared. DNA repair was needed as well, although the angels commented that he had received an upgrade recently to 12 strands of DNA fully online now but he had not opened this up fully as yet as he was not quite ready. (full human capacity of 12 stands of DNA is discussed in the Dolores Cannon material and the TV series Ancient Aliens.)
No portals were found. No further entities were present. The angels commented he had been working on himself and had not collected any further.
I asked if he had taken the COVID vaccine. They reported that he had and had given into fear and followed the masses like a sheep (the higher self was disappointed by this action, and kind of told him off for it). He had received a mix of a good one and a bad one, as there are a good ones and bad ones out there. The client was a little shocked when he woke up for me to tell him the jab contained A.I. He did not understand or know about the agenda that had been planned.
Next more work was needed on his throat chakra. The client had not been speaking their truth, their beliefs but focusing too much on the ideas and beliefs of others. His higher self said it was time for his truth to come forward. The client also suffered at times from stuttering, but not all the time. This was due to fear of being judged by others and not putting his views forward.
The client needed more inner work to heal trauma from past lives but was not ready yet to begin this. The higher self, wanted the clearing first as this was important. The infringements present were interfering in his life and making him feel stuck. As the infringements are non-physical and not of this world for the most part, other worldly, non-physical help is needed. Such clearing work is metaphysical and energetic in nature and from the world of the unseen, many client see these things during trance for themselves just like they do with past life memories.
The client reported feeling lighter and more energized afterwards and had much clearer thinking and felt totally renewed. They also mentioned the pain in their testicles they had before the session was gone!
The session was powerful and has profoundly changed the clients outlook on life.