Preparing for Ascension
So many of us have been on a spiritual awakening over the last few years since the start of the virus that shall remain nameless. Some of us woke up before this, some for many years.
Where ever you are in your awakening journey there is a bit more to it.
It’s a bit like reading the fine print really. For me I woke over 1-2 years. It wasn’t a fast process. I dived deep down the rabbit hole of everything you could think of to learn the truth about who runs the world and all the bad things humanity has been involved in. This seems like looking at the shadow of the entire human collective and it was not pretty at all.
After going through the dark night of the soul we all hear about, I was ready for the next level.
Unknown to me this next level was my own shadow. It was time to deal with my own past wounds, false beliefs, incorrect assumptions and wrong conclusions.
I met so many like minded people just like me, it was like a soul party. But I soon discovered, although I started meeting amazing people who were into all the weird and wonderful like me there was still something lacking.
Many still carried emotional wounds from childhood, from current relationships, drawn from social programming, karma that had not been addressed or dealt with.
It is one thing to be awake, it is another to be truly spiritually enlightened.
I found this true form of enlightenment is part of the journey of every human who incarnates onto this planet.
We need to release the wounds of the past, clear up false beliefs and wrong conclusions. Many I found had a fractured soul from deep ancestral wounds in their lineage or the lineage of the soul that stemmed from multiple past life times that still needed healing.
I also realized that Ascension was coming closer and that the best way forward to prepare for this was to heal past trauma we all seem to carry in one form of another from our own past.
Ascension will take longer for us if we still carry wounds from the past. These wounds and fears is the last thing holding many people back. Spirit has said its time for people to heal their past.
This means taking personal responsibility for ones thoughts, beliefs and actions.
We can read all the Dolores Cannon books we want and try every other spiritual modality out there but this simple fact will not change your level of enlightenment until we as humans deal with our emotional baggage.
It’s time to start writing new stories about our self and not constantly repeating the patterns from the past.
This takes effort, it takes courage. But we as souls would not be here on Earth at this time if we weren’t up for the challenge.
Its time to really look at ourselves and go within. We won’t find in a guru or the latest fad.
This is why I do what I do. The wounded inner child is deep within so many of us. I myself had a wounded 16 year old from my parents divorce. I had to face the pain and let it go. I felt free, I felt whole once again. It took effort, but to feel the peace in my heart and soul, I knew I had grown as a person and expanded as a soul. It was worth it all.
Often it is only from a higher perspective, the perspective of the soul that we can truly see the reasons why. Our conscious mind can’t make sense of it. It is only at the deeper levels that we gain understanding, knowledge and wisdom.
Connect to your soul, heal your past and be ready for the universe to open your heart. It is what we all came here for. Let it begin.