The Wounded Healer
Part of the journey of becoming a healer is healing your own wounds. For me this process took years.
It was part of an awakening to who I really was. This process also took years of self reflection and soul searching. Not content with my life or job, I undertook a transformation that saw me quit a career of 20 years as a medical scientist working in laboratory pathology to an avid student of life as I set forth to follow my heart and passion in life.
When I look back, I feel I had been led on this journey by my own soul wanting me to see the nuances to my existence and the to meet the divine being that had been inside of me all along waiting patiently for me to fully open my eyes to what was inside. To who I really was.
I found the spark of the divine, I found the Source of creation was not just inside of me but was inside of everyone and this is truly what we call God/Creator/Source.
Armed with this universal truth, I had to seriously look at my life and the suffering I had experienced. Had I really been the one to plan all of it?
The answer was yes. My own soul was the creator of my destiny. There was no external other to blame. It was time to acknowledge my shortcomings and realize if I wanted my life to change, I had to accept personal responsibility for the state of it and make efforts to transform it into the life I did want for myself.
This led me to the work I do today. Speaking to the souls of others, in essence speaking to God.
Now I teach others and help others on their own journey of personal transformation, to heal the wounds of the past and find the God within all beings, even themselves. This is soul work and it who I am and what I do.