Soul Clearing
AURA - Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy
Clearing entities, attachments & more
Advanced Past Life Regression
Advanced Past Life Regression and Soul Clearing - Alchemy with the Angels
AURA - Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy
For those who are ready for the next level in their soul’s evolution. Multidimensional Healing.
Who is this type of Session for?
This Session is for those who feel they are held back, blocked or stuck in some way that seems beyond this world and hasn’t shifted despite trying normal methods of therapy or alternative healing. This session is about clearing infringements that are largely energetic in nature from the metaphysical world, the world of the unseen and multidimensional in nature.
You are in fact a multidimensional being yourself, but few in 3rd / 4th dimensional reality understand this. Yet humans do interact with and are subject to the world of the unseen whether they understand this or not.
Knowledge of the metaphysical world around us has been present in human history since the dawn of time. Collectivist cultures such as Aboriginals and Native American Indians understood the interconnectedness of all things and the connection we have to Mother Earth and all of the cosmos. It is only modern mankind from Western Egocentric conquer and divide cultures that have smashed this view through religious conditioning and war mongering that has created a loss of this knowledge and understanding of this world.
However, there has been an increased awareness and acceptance of this knowledge over the last 50 years from survival of this knowledge through ancient cultures with the clearing of house spaces and businesses by local Shaman in Asian and Indian cultures who understood the influence of discarnates (ghosts) and so called evil spirits that could cause bad luck, chaos in the home and poor health in some cases, including mental health issues.
How does this Soul Clearing work?
This session works by connecting to your Higher self, your wise inner being, who is the silent witness to your life. Your Higher Self is the voice of your soul and knows exactly what you need and if you have been guided to this type of session, then honour that it is exactly what you need!
Experiencing past lives is a door way for meeting the Higher self as the Higher self is the one showing you past lives. It is an honour to see past lives and one that not all are ready for. The past lives experienced are not random but shown for specific messages and understanding, usually directly related to your life in the present times.
Clearing comes after viewing past lives (if seen) and discussion with your Higher Self. An in depth body scan is performed by Archangels or Ascended Masters who come to assist the Higher self in clearing the physical, mental, emotional and etheric infringements that may be present in your AURIC field, subtle energy bodies or Chakras. Such infringements may be interfering in the soul’s plan for this lifetime or may affect coming future events in the soul’s plan for this lifetime.
Either way this is a very special process that can save lifetimes and put soul’s back on track of their intended path.
The metaphysical or unseen world interacts with humans in the physical whether they understand this or not. Such interactions include Thought Forms we unknowingly project onto others or that get projected onto us. This includes Psychic Attacks from others. This is the simplest form of infringement and can create cords or hooks within the subtle energy fields or Chakras of our bodies. This can drain our energy and keep us locked in conflict with such people, including inverted timelines.
The Archangels can see such infringements and clear and transmute these for us if permission is granted by your Higher Self. Archangel Michael is angel of protection and I work with him the most. Although once we have grown in consciousness, we can learn to clear these ourselves. This work is Divine Intervention. Sometimes we all need a little help on our journey in this Earthly life which is not easy due to the heavy energy and density that exists on this planet.
However, as Earth energy is rising and being healed on a daily basis. You can do your part by healing your inner traumas and past pain. This greatly assists in the healing of the human collective as well as yourself. All humans are connected and doing your part, helps everyone around you. This will also greatly assist with your Ascension process.
Other infringements may include:
Attachments - Earthbound entities (ghosts, lost souls, thought forms, shadow beings, demonics)
Curses, spells, conjuring’s rituals, bindings, restraints, sacred geometry abuse and misuse
Etheric weaponry
Reptilians, Mantis, Greys, Archons & Others
Dark Portals, negative energy, thought forms, shadow beings, Demons
Negative technology, devices, implants, explants, miasma, plasma, AI (artificial intelligence), AS (Artificial Sentience) within the body
False angels and fake guides — mimics
Hooks, cords, curses, negative contracts, inverted Timelines / Negative timelines
Age regression, dental repair, healing Vaccine Injury (past vaccinations) YES! all of them, including the COVID vaccine
Repair and retrieval of Soul fragments, DNA repair
Blocked Chakras - resulting in illness and dis-ease
Ending negative contracts not for your highest good
I converse with Archangels, Ascended Masters, Ancestors and your Galactic family if needed through you whilst in trance with the assistance of your Higher Self.
This healing is some of the highest level work available on Earth within the constrains of a human body!
This work if for those who are ready to extend beyond the usual and expand their soul consciousness. It is not for everyone.
Sessions can be performed in person or online via Zoom with remote energy work if required.
*A deposit of $100 is required to secure the appointment for Mini Clearing and 5 hour session.
This is non-refundable should you cancel the appointment. Sessions can be rescheduled if you need to change the date.
Archangel Michael is angel of protection and I work with him the most.
All sessions come with shieling methods, recordings of the hypnotherapy regression portions and further spiritual guidance on managing your energy going forward.
To book click the book now below to connect via my connect page or simply text 0439769808
This type of work is highly recommended for those who have been trying to do their own shadow work, or therapy with little success. For those who all other methods in healing have not worked or fallen short. Some causes are other worldly and therefore need other worldly healing.
As Ascension draws closer it is important to do the inner work and heal past trauma and unseen negative influences and causes of soul interference as this will slow down Ascension and the ability to move into 5D in a clear and anchored way. If you are Ascending you will still Ascend without such a clearing but it could be a little more challenging as your past traumas come up and still need to be addressed.
This work comes directly from the Angels with sacred ancient Alchemy healing. It includes a full body clearing at the level of the Soul. For most one session is enough. However some souls may require more than one. This may be the case for some who received more than one “bad” batch of the COVID Vaccine. We will be guided by the Angels and your own Higher Self as to how many sessions are required once connected.
This type of work is perfectly safe. You are protected at all times by your own Spirit Guides / Angels and Higher Self.
Soul clearing 6 x 2 h sessions $175 each
Session 1 Kinesiology - clear survival stress
Session 2 Crystal Grid - Internal/External protocol
Session 3 Spirit Releasement Therapy
Session 4 AURA part 1 - Hypnotherapy Regression
Session 5 AURA part 2 - Hypnotherapy Regression
Session 6 AURA part 3 - Hypnotherapy Regression
Level 1 Soul Clearing - a slow introduction to energy work or people new to clearing and shadow work. Here we are removing layers of density and Ego in preparation to heal wounds, clear infringements bit by bit and to meet your Soul and Source.
Soul Clearing Full Session 5 hours $595*
1 x 5 hour session
AURA - Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy
($100 deposit required to secure appointment)
Full Clearing for the more advanced Soul who has been doing inner work for some time, likely an old Soul or Star seed that has become burdened by infringements on the Earth plane. Connect to your Soul and Source as the Archangels assist in the clearing of heavy infringement load needed for the next level of your Divine mission on Earth. *A deposit of $100 is required to secure the appointment.
Vibrational Support
I highly recommend the Flower Essences below for everyday support during clearing work, or when you feel overcome by negative emotions or thoughts. Click the link below for the following products by Crystal Herbs.
Session Requirements - For Online Sessions
Online sessions are just like in person sessions, the energy is the same, the results are the same.
Most people are more physically comfortable in their own environment. This also saves travel and you can be anywhere in the world.
Things you will need:
Laptop/iPad or device with plenty of battery capable of lasting 5 hours (e.g. leave plugged into power)
Web camera for Zoom session. Camera needs to be set up at all times so you can be physically seen during the session.
Good Internet connection.
Headphones with a microphone or earbuds with a microphone so you can clearly hear the session and Natalie can hear you.
Must be alone in the room, preferably the house or place where you’re having the session as the noise from others can be distracting.
Cannot be on high dose medications such as Anti-psychotics or Anti-depressants as these interfere with achieving hypnosis states. Mild anti-depressants are generally ok.
A Zoom link will be sent, Natalie will wait 10mins only on Zoom, if you do not show up there are no refunds.
If you would not like your identity to be shared, you agree that Natalie may still share cosmic/universally relevant information that may benefit humanity, so long as your identity is not mentioned on her You Tube Channel - Healing my Spirit with Natalie.
I understand that there will be energies that will speak through my session, from my Higher Self or other divine energies such as, guides, angels, ancestors, pets...
I understand that at times I might want to awaken because of imbalances in my body and/or energies. Natalie will be allowed to do her best to maintain me in my hypnosis state so that I may receive Quantum Healing for my highest good.
I agree and understand that this item is non-refundable once purchased.
I have read the Client Responsibilities and release and I agree to the terms and conditions as outlined in the document.
Disclaimer: no responsibility will be taken if clients are unable to enter trance state. All hypnosis is self hypnosis, this requires you the client to be willing to enter trance like states, which are natural states we go in and out of daily such as watching TV and whilst driving.
Meditation, breath work or mindfulness practices can help to prepare for deep regression hypnosis, anything that helps to quiet our busy minds as mind chatter (Ego/conscious mind) can be the biggest block for most people to experience past lives.
Sessions cannot be performed if you are on high dose anti-psychotic or high dose anti-depressants as these both interfere with entering into trance states of consciousness.