Soul Coaching

A state of Becoming…..

The highest version of yourself

Learn to tap into the wisdom of your Soul to navigate your life, clear blocks that are preventing you from living the life of your dreams.

Combination of NLP, Life Coaching, Kinesiology and Energy Medicine used to help you toward Self Mastery

Often we don’t know what we don’t know. Most of us don’t even know what we really want in life! We are stuck in the negativity of what we don’t want.

The Ego/personality thinks it has it all figured out and it is in for a shock when it doesn’t!

Humans have lived too much relying on the mind. This has been conditioned within us through fear over many generations how to be, do, act in certain ways to “fit” into society. However this is not how the Soul wishes and desires to express, which is through the heart. Doing things we love.

For a long time this was me. I was mentally focused on the intellect, heavy in Ego. On my spiritual journey I realized I wasn’t expressing my true heart felt desires and I wasn’t listening to my Soul. I was living in a reactive egoic state, reacting to my environment instead of purposeful co-creation with the Universe. This lead to poor health, discord in my personal relationships and a toxic work environment. I was stuck and had to take personal responsibility for my actions.

However this didn’t happen overnight. I had to learn tools to even identify what wasn’t working in my life and where I was getting in my own way to live a meaningful life with true joy instead a of life society and my family was telling me I should be living.

I broke free of the conditioning of society and now my journey is disentangling the conditioning from my ancestry that has created fear, lack and victim consciousness and you can too.

This coaching program is a deep dive for those who are ready to go within and really look at the self within. I bring all my tools to the table, the best I have to offer.

  • NLP

  • Life Coaching

  • Soul Clearing

  • Kinesiology

  • Counselling

I bring my connection to the Angels, my medium abilities and my knowledge of the unseen to clear darkness from your life, address unresolved trauma and teach you how to tab into your soul gifts, your personal authority and sovereignty as a valued part of Creation. Your God given powers, your mighty I AM presence and abilities are re-taught to a forgotten culture. It’s time to bring back the old ancient wisdom that lives within the Soul. Your divinity and much more. God/Creator Source is waiting to be acknowledged within you as you are a spark of this Divine Essence. Are you ready?

Package 1

3 x 2 hour sessions - $900.00

Package 2

5 x 2 hour sessions - $1500.00

Package 3

7 x 2 hour sessions - $2100.00

Either 2 or 4 weeks apart

Contact Natalie to enquire about this program

You are in a state of becoming…

The best version of yourself

through multiple lifetimes,

you are evolving into a Self Master of Light

Finding your light

Most people do not understand how absolutely special they are. You are a creation of the Divine Mind. You have a purpose and the Soul is creating that experience and learning that purpose of who they really are through many physical incarnations on planet Earth or other planets and Universes.

Yes, we live in a multiverse. There is much we don’t know or has been kept hidden from the greater portion of human about who they really are and their potential.

There are lots of twists and turns along the way as you embark on the Hero’s journey of triumph and self discovery, now is a time of great spiritual awakening. Some of us get lost along they way and need a helping hand.

We are all here to help each other along the path and share what we have discovered.

What are you ready to learn and discover about yourself?


Shadow Work

We need to look at the unknown, the parts of self we have denied and buried deep. These parts are part of us and need acknowledgment and acceptance. Many defence mechanism have been created to hide and bury such parts. It’s time to go through closet and take responsibility for these parts. Inner Child work, the Divine child within.

Subtle Energy

You are an energy being in a human body. You are not your body, you are not your Ego/personality. Learn about subtle energy and tune into the unseen world. We are all connected through the cosmos. We are all one. Learn out the All-that-is. God/Creator/Source that resides within us all. What you do to another you do to self.

Self Mastery

We are all initiates on the sacred Path of Light. We are all essentially reading the same book in life, some of us are just on different pages, or chapters and some of us have moved onto the next volume entirely. Learn how the Cosmic Council of Light, the great Ascended Masters and Lords of Light help and influence humanity with the Archangels as directed by Source.

Kinesiology with Coaching

Uncover hidden blocks. The body is the unconscious mind and carries all unresolved and unprocessed emotions. Do we listen? Or do we think we are the victim of random chance dis-ease? There is no co-incidence here. Dis-ease is a message from the Soul we have not understood, so pain and disease start. Learn to take responsibility for unprocessed issues.

NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming)

Unknown to the creators of this method, it is a form of energy work. Use processes to travel through dimensions and space to take control back of your experience. Cut cords, clear blocks and hooks from “well meaning” others in your life who are often vampiric and sucking on your life force energy. You have more power but this knowledge has been kept from you.

Soul Clearing

Most of us have collected energetic junk along the way in life These infringements weigh the soul down energetically causing mental conflict, poor health and negative patterns. The Soul is aware of such attachments and some even have soul contracts or are karmic but most are pure infringements and are violating Universal law. Regain your power and personal authority as such energies are returned to the Light.